Thursday, August 25

Switching Off Our Life for few moments.

Sometimes I feel a bit like a manic inside my head... 
I think my mind is like train tracks going off in all different directions.
Too many things I am always doing at once! 

It all goes round in my head, trying to juggle it all and figure out how to accomplish it.
Sometimes it makes me feel anxious. 
It feels like there isn't enough time in my life...
I live my life running, doing the things I have to do so I can do the things I want to do! 

I don't want to give up the wants to's either... they are my passions and enjoyment. So at times its a battle with myself of what will I choose!

It is a whole thing to learn daily to choose what I do and don't do and I must remember that the 'to do' list is a list that is infinite one that is constantly being added to.

Finding peace and serenity in all of this is so important, learning to find out rest and time out.
I'm thankful for every moment that I can do the things I enjoy and enjoy my life as much as possible.

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24 year kid expressing the stories of our beautiful world. It is all about how to make each moment count.

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